Bucks County Duathlon outcome as good as it gets

John Rosania (left) and James Stein go stride for stride in first leg of Sunday’s 10th annual Bucks County Duathlon. Rosania placed third in the 70-age bracket and Stein was second in the 60-64 division.
      Call it a perfect 10.
      The Bucks County Duathlon celebrated its 10th anniversary in style on Sunday, combining a strong turnout with great weather and fast times.
      There were smiles all around at Washington Crossing Historic Park as approximately 100 participants in the BCD and the 8K Challenge took advantage of the fine conditions.
      Some believe this was the best-ever BCD, an event which started back in 2010 to assist former world-class triathlete Missy Flynn who survived a 2005 brain aneurysm.
      Starting in 2006, events in her honor have raised more than $100,000 toward her uninsured medical expenses.
      The Bucks County Duathlon has gained a worthy reputation as a fast, scenic course.
      That was evident in the winning times.
      Doylestown’s Andrey Yunusov won the men’s title, clearing the two-mile run, 10-mile bike, two-mile run in a speedy 53 minutes, 53 seconds.
      On the women’s side, Morrisville’s Monika Paciorek crossed the finish line first in 1:05:21.
      All BCD competitors received a special 10th anniversary finisher’s medal courtesy of Always Advancing Sports of Newtown.
      “We enjoyed another great event and beautiful weather,’’ said Brian Wong, Ms. Flynn’s life partner. “There was a lot of energy in the crowd, and everyone really seemed to enjoy the race.
      “Missy is always happy to see old friends and meet new ones. We’re very thankful to all of our friends who work hard every year to put on the race, and to the racers who make it happen.’’
      The BCD could not happen without a lot of assistance.
      So, a special thank you goes out to the Upper Makefield Police Department, led by chief Mark Schmidt, and the Middletown Fire Police under the guidance of Larry Harvey.
      And kudos to volunteers Eric Stern, Mike Clarke, Dave Anderson, Ron Jones, Fraser Marlow, Brian Donnelly, Bill Soloway, Tim Thompson and Becky Betz.
      “I was one of the 400,000 who attended the Woodstock festival in 1969,’’ Anderson said. “For a variety of reasons, I was unable to be there the whole time, but what I remember most about that occasion are the overwhelmingly positive feelings it engendered in everyone who had the good fortune to attend.
      “The Bucks County Duathlon year after year generates the same kind of positive vibe, a sense of doing what’s right, and of being part of a community of positive, like-minded individuals.’’
      Registration, timing and results were once again ably handled by Mark Toretsky of Lin-Mark Sports, based in Mantua, N.J.
      Here are the award winners from the 2019 Bucks County Duathlon:
      Overall: 1. Andrey Yunusov, 53:53; 2. Dave Dixon, 55:09; 3. Bradley Sponaugle, 55:39.
      Masters: 1. Russell McCleskey, 56:28.
      19-and-under: 1. Vladimir Pishnenko, 59:03.
      20-24: 1. Nick Accardo, 1:14.02.
      25-29: 1. Justin Sinisi, 1:09.36.
      30-34: 1. Ethan Armstrong, 1:03.42; 2 Kevin Desrochers, 1:07.24.
      35-39: 1. Dominic Borda, 1:01.46; 2. Dan Loftus, 1:02.34; 3. Douglas De Silva, 1:03.10.
      40-44: 1. Ken Murphy, 1:01.43; 2. Joe Carpinella, 1:02.03; 3. Jesse Matthews, 1:02.40.
      45-49: 1. Matthew Tonelli, 1:05.45; 2. Joseph James, 1:14.29; 3. Kyle Derr, 1:14.57.
      50-54: 1. Barry Pflueger, 1:00.38; 2. Sean Lockhead, 1:25.01; 3. Paul Borgenson, 1:26.23.
      55-59: 1. Matt Hayes, 1:00.06; 2. Mike Acer, 1:07.31; 3. Harold Snik, 1:09.42.
      60-64: 1. Richard Preston, 1:09.05; 2. James Stein, 1:11.26; 3. Ron Ehrmann, 1:14.53.
      65-69: 1. Fernando Moura, 1:01.25; 2. Howard Lee, 1:04.59; 3. Larry Mantuano, 1:22.50
      70-and-over: 1. Henry Schanbacker, 1:20.31; 2. John Rosania, 1:22.39; 3. Edward Haines, 1:36.27.
      Overall: 1. Monika Paciorek, 1:05.21; 2. Vonetta Trotter, 1:06.45; 3. Tracy Jenkins, 1:13.05.
      19-and-under: 1. Veronica Tonelli, 1:41.14.
      20-24: 1. Lia Chak, 1:15.07.
      30-34: 1. Erica Wenitsky, 1:23.43.
      35-39: 1. Colleen Costello, 1:28.05.
      40-44: 1. Eyvette Hanna, 1:28.11; 2. Natalie Rudik, 1:33.42.
      45-49: 1. Laurie McFetridge, 1:15.01; 2. Diana Breen, 1:27.18; 3. Olivetta Martin, 1:35.16.
      50-54: 1. Gina Szathmary, 1:19.27; 2. Linda Jencson, 1:22.21.
      55-59: 1. MaryAnn Connor, 1:17.54; 2. Karen Robinson-Cloe, 1:18.46; 3. Lorianne Bartlett, 1:19.24.
      60-64: 1. Donna Brzezicki, 1:26.31; 2. Amy Campbell, 1:34.16; 3. Debra Natoli, 1:45.32.
      65-69: 1. Wendy Miller, 1:22.58; 2. Sharon Schanbacker, 1:30.03.
      The BCD race committee, including Harry Betz, Gwen Smith and Mark Smith, would like to express its appreciation to BCD sponsors, including Bucks County Roadrunners, Guy’s Bicycles, Newtown Athletic Club, Firehouse Cycles, David Craig Jewelers, Always Advancing Sports, Advanced Sports Chiropractic, Rosenthal Medical Specialties, Becky’s Newtown Deli, Parx Casino, Newtown Hardware, Paul Rosen (DMD) and Newtown Bicycle and Fitness.
      >Ex-Olympic marathon qualifier in town
      Running great Benji Durden qualified for the men’s marathon at the 1980 Summer Olympic Games in Moscow.
      Only one problem: The United States boycotted that event due to the Soviet Union’s involvement with Afghanistan.
      It left a lot of U.S. Olympians bitter but there’s been 39 years to get over it.
      Durden will be running in Sunday’s Alternative Half-Marathon in Washington Crossing. He also will be hosting a “Benji Durden Experience’’ talk session on Saturday afternoon/evening at Washington Crossing Historic Park.
      For tickets and information, visit pat@runBUCKS.com. The talk starts at 5 p.m., pasta dinner follows.
      Race calendar
      Bridge to Bridge Relay Run (51 miles), 6 a.m., Upper Black Eddy. Contact www.runsignup.com
      52nd annual Mill Street Run 5K, 9:45 a.m., Bristol. Contact www.runsignup.com
      Recovery Run 5K, 9 a.m., Doylestown. Contact www.runsignup.com
      Chasing the Unicorn Marathon and Alternative Half, 7:30 a.m., Washington Crossing. Contact www.runsignup.com
      Run Now Wine Later 5K, New Hope. Contact www.runnowwinelater.com
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About Wayne Fish 2670 Articles
Wayne Fish has been covering the Flyers since 1976, a stint which includes 18 Stanley Cup Finals, four Winter Olympics and numerous other international events.

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