Hyman tries to stay upbeat after near-miss on kidney donation

Adam Hyman

He was just 12 days away from having his life changed for the better forever when some not-so-divine intervention altered the plan.

Adam Hyman had been waiting for more than a year to find someone who would be so generous as to donate a kidney to him through an organ transplant operation that would essentially allow him to live a machine-free life.

Twelve days. Everything was set. Miraculously, a nation-wide search had turned up a donor match right in his very own workplace, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

And then, by a cruel twist of fate, it was discovered that his potential donor had experienced kidney stones, a condition which, if an operation took place, could possibly put both parties at health risk.

So the surgery had to be called off and now it’s pretty much back to square one.

Frustrating? Of course. Disappointing? No doubt. Shaking one’s faith in the justice of this existence? Without question.

But being the warrior he is, the ex-Newtown resident presses on.

The former three-hour marathoner is not ready to concede to dialysis. He’s been living almost his entire life dependent on outside contraptions and he’s had enough.

In his mind, it’s either my way or the highway – and my way means getting up in the morning, going for a run and not worrying about health issues.

At the end of the day, this close call made the situation all the more painful.

“Devastating, almost,’’ Hyman said during a phone conversation. “Such a letdown. You’re less than two weeks away and you find out you’re having the rug pulled out from beneath you.

“I mean I was all set. I had all the pre-admission testing and then you get this news. Both of us were like, ‘Oh my god’ . . .there was almost hysterical crying.’’

If you know of anyone who has blood type “AB Positive’’ and might be a candidate (and willing) for transplant surgery, Adam can be reached at “adamhyman24@gmail.com’’ or Facebook (type his name into search engine box) or by contacting the national search network at  https://hospitals.jefferson.edu/departments-and-services/kidney-transplant-program/living-donor.html.

“I’m not going to get my hopes up real high,’’ Hyman said.

Hyman continues to get great support both from inside CHOP and among his friends, from organizations like the Bucks County Roadrunners.

“Everybody is saying, ‘what can we do for you? It’s disheartening but what can we do?’ They reaching out to others to see if they can find anybody,’’ Hyman said.

“They said they feel sorry and that I am in their prayers. All kinds of well wishes and thoughts of that nature.’’

The national average waiting time for a living donor can last from five to seven years.

“Obviously I don’t have time for that,’’ Hyman said. “I don’t want dialysis but if it’s a matter of life or death, it’s pretty much the only option.’’

So he goes on with his life and hopes that the next close encounter doesn’t end in tears.

“It affects me physically,’’ he said. “I go to work tired and when I come home I go to sleep. It’s brutal. When I come home, I can’t wait to lie down. It’s terrible. I never thought it would be this way.

“If people know of anybody, please check the website. It never hurts to look. I appreciate everyone’s support.’’


Tyler water fountain making good progress


Last summer we wrote about Larry Waldman’s wonderful plan to help construct a needed water fountain on the west side of Tyler State Park near the Tyler Park Center for the Arts.

Well, it looks like the project is getting closer to becoming reality.

Waldman has confirmation from Tyler State Park manager Corey Snyder that the water fountain will be installed once the ground softens, most likely in April.

While donations are still less than what is required for the installation, the park will be able to obtain the remaining monies to install the fountain.

Said Waldman: “A thanks to all who donated and to the Bucks County Roadrunners, whose annual donation to Tyler State Park will be used for the fountain.’’

Donations are still being accepted and will be used for future maintenance and repairs, such as a “black light” system, being installed, that enables the water to get certified as drinkable.

Those wishing to donate (including BCRR Winter Series participants) can do so by check, payable to PPFF, and putting in the memo section: Tyler State Park water fountain.

Checks can be dropped off at the park office or mailed to the park at 101 Swamp Road, Newtown, Pa. 18940.


Race calendar



BCRR Winter Series Terrible Tyler 15K, 9 a.m., Tyler State Park, Newtown. Contact www.bcrrclub/winterseries.com

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About Wayne Fish 2670 Articles
Wayne Fish has been covering the Flyers since 1976, a stint which includes 18 Stanley Cup Finals, four Winter Olympics and numerous other international events.

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